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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] requirements of a new project in GNU Savan

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] requirements of a new project in GNU Savannah
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:32:42 +0300
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Hello Karl and all,

On 08/20/2014 02:07 AM, Karl Berry wrote:
I would suggest adding one more list:
   Files without either copyright or license statement
and then reduce the "Files without copyright" and "Files without license"
categories accordingly.


On another front, the output says:
   A recognizable copyright statement in this script should be of form:
   Copyright (C) YEAR NAME (email)

The "should" is not correct.  Neither the "(C) nor the "(email)" are
required, or even necessarily recommended.

I fixed the script as you've suggested, and also added few more checks.

I've also made it on-line, so now everyone who wants to, can evaluate his/her 
project's licensing and copyright status.

The website is here:

It's ugly but it works.
I hope to make it cleaner and friendlier soon.

Comments are welcomed,
 - Assaf

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