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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Savannah bzr server errors out

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Savannah bzr server errors out
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 05:27:51 -0400

> From: Martin Pool <address@hidden>
> Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 18:43:13 +1100
> Cc: address@hidden
> Getting a log with -Dhpss will tell you more.

Did that, results below.  Let me know if you need more data from my
.bzr.log than I post below.  And this time, it happened after only 20
minutes, so I doubt if a 1-hour timeout is involved.

Here's the last portion of .bzr.log, including 2 transactions that
look OK (there are many more like that before):

1249.000  RemoteTCPTransport.readv 2 offsets => 2 coalesced => 1 requests (2)
1249.000  hpss call w/readv: 
1249.000                20 bytes in readv request
1249.157     result:   ('readv',)
1251.579                284719 body bytes read
1253.765  RemoteTCPTransport.readv 2 offsets => 2 coalesced => 1 requests (2)
1253.765  hpss call w/readv: 
1253.765                20 bytes in readv request
1253.922     result:   ('readv',)
1258.121                454111 body bytes read
1258.750  RemoteTCPTransport.readv 2 offsets => 2 coalesced => 1 requests (2)
1258.750  hpss call w/readv: 
1258.750                19 bytes in readv request
1290.518  decoder state: buf[:10]='', 
1290.612  Transferred: 86781kB (67.3kB/s r:86740kB w:41kB)
1290.612  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 946, in exception_to_return_code
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 1150, in run_bzr
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 699, in run_argv_aliases
  File "bzrlib\commands.pyo", line 721, in run
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 135, in run_simple
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 165, in _do_with_cleanups
  File "bzrlib\builtins.pyo", line 1307, in run
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 453, in sprout
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 131, in run
  File "bzrlib\cleanup.pyo", line 165, in _do_with_cleanups
  File "bzrlib\bzrdir.pyo", line 494, in _sprout
  File "bzrlib\repository.pyo", line 724, in fetch
  File "bzrlib\decorators.pyo", line 217, in write_locked
  File "bzrlib\vf_repository.pyo", line 2499, in fetch
  File "bzrlib\fetch.pyo", line 75, in __init__
  File "bzrlib\fetch.pyo", line 102, in __fetch
  File "bzrlib\fetch.pyo", line 130, in _fetch_everything_for_search
  File "bzrlib\vf_repository.pyo", line 1962, in insert_stream
  File "bzrlib\vf_repository.pyo", line 2026, in insert_stream_without_locking
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1661, in insert_record_stream
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1751, in _insert_record_stream
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\groupcompress_repo.pyo", line 1248, in wrap_and_count
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1474, in get_record_stream
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1627, in _get_remaining_record_stream
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1188, in yield_factories
  File "bzrlib\groupcompress.pyo", line 1430, in _get_blocks
  File "bzrlib\repofmt\pack_repo.pyo", line 2027, in get_raw_records
  File "bzrlib\pack.pyo", line 271, in iter_records
  File "bzrlib\pack.pyo", line 312, in _read_format
  File "bzrlib\pack.pyo", line 239, in _read_line
  File "bzrlib\pack.pyo", line 202, in readline
  File "bzrlib\pack.pyo", line 187, in _next
  File "bzrlib\transport\remote.pyo", line 367, in _readv
  File "bzrlib\smart\client.pyo", line 175, in call_with_body_readv_array
  File "bzrlib\smart\client.pyo", line 81, in _call_and_read_response
  File "bzrlib\smart\message.pyo", line 299, in read_response_tuple
  File "bzrlib\smart\message.pyo", line 264, in _wait_for_response_args
  File "bzrlib\smart\message.pyo", line 286, in _read_more
ConnectionReset: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please
check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems

1290.612  return code 3
[ 3288] 2011-10-10 10:49:04.815 INFO: HPSS calls: 249 (249 vfs)
< object at 0x01593EF0>

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