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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] GHM talk feedback

From: Jonathan Gonzalez V.
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] GHM talk feedback
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 17:06:27 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Sylvain Beucler <address@hidden> writes:

> There was a video recording which may be made available to GNU
> hackers.

This will be available at audio-video or savannah?

> Mail interface to the trackers
> ==============================
> Interests:
> - working offline
> - no need to create an account, no authentication hassle
> Fixing spam:
> - Try to get the same antispam measures than what's used at
> (which people praised, btw). Note that there is a
>   moderation team at, not very big, but necessary
>   nonetheless
> - Sign mails using GPG: there's a risk of replay attacks, but this
>   sounds unlikely; if there's a problem (people reposting signed mail
>   that were sent to another place by other people), we could try to
>   require a special field or something.
> - Use a hidden hex field system, like when piloting Mailman via mail

Doesn't bugzilla do this? it looks like a good idea to me.

> Wiki
> ====
> Not discussed much (no time left), but people would like it.  Somebody
> (Simon I think?)  mentioned that he appreciated that Google Code
> provided a wiki, even if it was a very basic one.

I support this idea, specially because we can (maybe must) use a wiki
engine previously written in python and integrated it to savane.

> Accounts
> ========
> Not discussed much either.  Some people would like to use external
> authentication, such as OpenID or Jabber.

This it's an extensive issue, we have a lot of things to discuss and
first we must finish the re-write :D

> "Social" Features
> =================
> It was mentioned that Kudos could be replaced by a very basic "Thanks
> for your project!" button that people could click to, just to cheers
> the developpers, but not necessarily public, nor counted.

We can define a series of word to attach, "Thanks for your project!" "I
use it a lot" "I love how it solve my problems" and thinks like that, or
just "I like it", these phrase looks better to my rather than a "kudo"

> While it's difficult to get accurate and relevant stats (e.g.: code
> activity: commits can be frequent but small; lines of codes can change
> a lot if people just re-indent, use verbose languages, or write
> trivial code; maintainers often submit other people's code; etc.) it's
> still interesting to get them.  We could implement them while being
> careful about not ranking projects, and explaining that they may not
> be accurate.  Stats don't have a high priority, compared to other
> features.

There's a lot of tools out there to generate stats based on commits and
so, we can integrate or create our owns. I'm sure that it will be nice
to have this kind of stats but, does our users really want/need this
kind of things?

> Profile
> =======

No comments agree with all the ideas

> Project categories
> ==================
> Jose suggested having a way to group projects using categories, for
> example to ones used in the Free Software Directory.  This would allow
> to see projects that work in the same field, as well as foster groups
> of interest.  Such categories could get a mailing lists (e.g.:
> address@hidden, address@hidden).

Yes it's important to the user know about all the projects that do the
same things in order to select or prove all of them or work with one of
those project. I'm not sure if the mailing lists per category it's a
good idea, I will not subscribe to the lists, I get enough emails
everyday :P

> Design
> ======
> Juan Pedro and I discussed later on how to improve the web design.

Yeah!! we need this !

> Among other things we mentioned the idea to group site-wide features
> in a simple drop-down menu at the top of the screen, and make the
> project page customisable using a system of "blocks" (e.g.: news,
> latest commits, developers...) that project admins could freely place
> on the screen.

The idea of "freely place on the screen" it may require some javascript
isn't? I don't like the idea of use javascript in the webpage since
Savannah should work in a console web browser (it's my opinion at
least). But we can still do something like defined spaces and order for

I think that this it's already possible since we have a lot of things
that use css class to find their location in the screen.

> More generally, we're interested in artistic contributions, possibly
> in the form of mock-up webpages that we would then convert to
> templates.
> JP: if you have a scan of your web design, I'm interested ;)

Yes, please jp, I would like to see a different web design, this it's
the most difficult work for us :(

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