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[Savannah-hackers-public] /tmp ran out of i-nodes [Re: FYI, disk full on

From: Jim Meyering
Subject: [Savannah-hackers-public] /tmp ran out of i-nodes [Re: FYI, disk full on git-push to coreutils, ...
Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2007 16:56:24 +0200

Jim Meyering <address@hidden> wrote:

> FYI, I'm investigating a failure I just saw while pushing the latest
> coreutils change set.  The push- (aka update-) hook normally mirrors
> the git delta to a CVS mirror repository.  However, this time, the
> cvs commit failed:
>   cvs [commit aborted]: Failed to create temporary file: No space left on 
> device
>   cvs commit -F .msg NEWS doc/coreutils.texi m4/.gitignore src/pr.c ...
>     /usr/local/bin/git-cvsexportcommit line 295.
> By the time I got back to it and looked, there was plenty of space:
>     address@hidden:/etc/pam.d# df -hT
>     Filesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
>     /dev/hdv1      ufs    526G  107G  393G  22% /
>     none         tmpfs    1.0G  440M  585M  43% /tmp
>     none         tmpfs    1.0G     0  1.0G   0% /var/lock/cvs

BTW, /tmp was out of inodes.
Too many /tmp/cvs-serv* temporary directories had accumulated.
I've just removed a bunch of old ones.

Obviously, cvs should remove its temporary dirs, but perhaps
/tmp's currently configured limit of 215K inodes is also too low.

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