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[Savannah-hackers-public] Re: [Savane-dev] pserver with lots of reposito

From: Vincent Caron
Subject: [Savannah-hackers-public] Re: [Savane-dev] pserver with lots of repositories
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 12:39:14 +0200

On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 01:35 +0200, Sylvain Beucler wrote:
> Hi,
> When you use pserver, you have to specify all the CVS repositories you
> give people access to on the command line, each in a --allow-root
> option. On systems like Savannah with around 5000 public repositories,
> this gets over the command line limit of around 130KB.
> I'm discussing that at address@hidden An old solution was to add
> --allow-root-regexp
> ( There is also a
> patch in the old Savannah project bug tracker to implement
> --allow-root-file
> ( So
> apparently work was done in 2001 but never integrate.
> So my question is: I was once sent some Gna! documentation and I saw a
> reference to a Perl suid script for pserver access. I have no clue on
> how you implemented pserver access, and I wondered if you have some
> comments on the preferred way to fix the issue, because I may well
> work finishing the --allow-root-regexp integration :)

  It just happened that I mentioned it 10 minutes ago in another
thread :).

  We modified --allow-root to accept a very simple substring matching.
In other words, "--allow-root /var/cvs/" will accept any repository path
which begins with "/var/cvs/" (and takes care of .. tricks and such).
This is backwards compatible with the original --allow-root.

  Patch for Woody's CVS attached (not ported to Sarge yet), about 10
lines of code without comments.

Attachment: cvs-cvsroot-substring-allow.patch
Description: Text Data

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