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Re: [RP] Utilities (aka, "how do you...")

From: Jeff Abrahamson
Subject: Re: [RP] Utilities (aka, "how do you...")
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 10:53:01 +0200

Good suggestions, thanks Alex. I'll have a play.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255    <-- only if I'm in the UK


On 3 October 2014 10:45, Axel Beckert <address@hidden> wrote:
On Fri, Oct 03, 2014 at 10:32:08AM +0200, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> *1. Screenshot.* Does anyone know a good rp-compatible screenshot program
> that doesn't require popping up a window along the way, sort of like
> "gnome-screenshot --area --clipboard" but without the gnome dependency?
> (I'd also like one that drops to a file.)

Definitely scrot. Its website http://linuxbrit.co.uk/scrot/ seems
down, but you can get the source code (as well as packages) at least
from Debian and Ubuntu.

> *2. Audio. *Does anyone have a good rp-friendly way of dealing with sound
> (volume up/down)?

On linux there is alsamixer's curses interface, for OSS there is

> I'd rather not try to get the gnome widgets working in
> stalonetray just for this.

If you still want something in the tray, have a look at qasmixer. It's
Qt IIRC, but no dependencies on any specific desktop environment.

> On my laptop, amixer works. On my desktop, it doesn't. Altogether,
> I'd like to get what gnome has: me not having to think about audio.

Then maybe volumeicon is something for you. Probably just works with
alsa/linux, but it's as simple as it can get in the tray:

> *3. Storage mounting. *When I plug in an SD card from my camera or a
> portable hard drive, I'd like it just to mount and have id mappings set so
> properly. Instead, I end up doing stuff the old fashioned way (look in
> kern.log for the device, then sudo mount, then sudo umount). I don't want
> to run nautilus at all, let alone just for this. How do others do it?

I use pmount: https://alioth.debian.org/frs/?group_id=31157

Still needs the looking up of the device name, but it neither requires
sudo nor a mount point. It just generates one. But that's what _I_
prefer: No automounting of stuff I plug into my computer.

If you prefer automounting, have a look at udevil and devmon:

All tools mentioned are available in Debian (and likely also Ubuntu
and other derivatives) as packages since that's what I'm using. :-)

                Kind regards, Axel
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