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[RP] with or without xft

From: CSM 'illovae' Seldon
Subject: [RP] with or without xft
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 16:31:08 +0100

Hello :)

I have a little question but after, let me explain the situation.

I've compiled the last RP 1.4.5 ; I've noticed a new option in the
configure (actually I'm upgrading from RP 1.4.0 beta4) : --without-xft

Because I'm not using xft fonts, I did ./configure --without-xft
In my ~/.ratpoisonrc I have :
set font "-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
which you certainly know is a fixed font. Everything's ok.

A friend of mine use the same font but he used the default ./configure
(means _with_ xft) and it appears that RP didn't take the terminus font
and use the default font (I think it's Fixed). I made the test on my box,
I reconfigured with xft and I've got same : my terminus font didn't work
anymore! While I repass --without-xft to configure and recompile,
everything gets back to normal (means RP use terminus font like describe
in ~/.ratpoisonrc).

I tried to search in sources why ratpoison with or without xft is acting
like that, but I'm not that good, so we're wondering if it's a known
feature of "with xft" or if there's something wrong ?


-- illovae

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CSM 'illovae' Seldon <gopher://druuna.dud-t.org>

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