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[RP] Re: how to insert <CR> in ratpoison -c colon command

From: clemens fischer
Subject: [RP] Re: how to insert <CR> in ratpoison -c colon command
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 2010 20:05:47 +0100
User-agent: tin/1.9.5-20091224 ("Lochruan") (UNIX) (Linux/ (i686))

On Wed-2009/12/02-17:08 Michael wrote:

> On 09.12.02, Michael wrote:
>> I don't understand why I can't catch the error message with my
>> original coding above either.
> The catching of the error message, I should have known:
> response="$(ratpoison -c "$item" 2>&1)"
> Now all I need to know is how to get the colon command line to accept
> a false carriage return.

have you thought about quoting this way:

  response=$(ratpoison -c "${item}$'\n'" 2>&1)


  response=$(ratpoison -c "${item}
" 2>&1)


  response=$(ratpoison -c "${item}${CR}" 2>&1)

the >>$'\n'<< is bash syntax.  Most bourne shells, I think, don't break
a backtick commands result, they assign all the words together.  Bash
certainly does.


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