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Re: [RP] screenshot (root window)

From: Trent Buck
Subject: Re: [RP] screenshot (root window)
Date: Tue May 11 03:12:05 2004

Quoth Joe Corneli on or about 2004-05-11:
> Both
>  xwd -root | xwdtopnm | pnmtojpeg > screen.jpg
> and
>  import -window root foo.jpg
> take a picture of my *root window* -- but I was under the impression
> that they should take a picture of my whole screen as I see it.  Was

I have this in my .ratpoisonrc:

alias screendump exec FH=xwd-$(date +%s)$$; xwd -root > /tmp/$USER-$FH; convert 
/tmp/$USER-$FH png:$HOME/$FH.png; rm -f /tmp/$USER-$FH

And it prints what *I* would call the `root' window, which is partly
occluded by an emacs window and a gkrellm window.

See here: http://yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au/~trent/tmp/xwd-10842665888982.png

Sorry, I forget, are you using OS-X?  It might not work properly since
it's running under Aqua.

> this a mistaken impression, or is there some problem here (and if
> there is, is it likely to be an RP problem?).

I can't think why.  Try it with aewm or twm or similar.

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