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Re: [RP] non-working key

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] non-working key
Date: Wed May 5 20:22:11 2004
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Joe Corneli <address@hidden> writes:

> This might not be a ratpoison problem, but then again, it seems
> suspicious - it is a bit weird anyway.  I usually bind the six/^ key
> to be escape/^ (when I use my laptop keyboard).  When I use my
> external keyboard, I want the six/^ key to be bound as usual, since
> there is another convenient escape key.  Today I noticed that the
> "six" does not work (i.e. does not transmit a keypress signal to the
> underlying program, nor does it cause the rat cursor to turn into a
> square like an escape keypress would) with rxvt/screen or emacs
> --with-x.  However it does work with xev.  This seems rather strange
> to me.  The key does work (sends keysym for six to the computer)
> outside of X.
> The relevant xmodmap files are on my webpage at 
> http://www.ma.utexas.edu/~jcorneli/n/xmodmap_configuration/
> I don't know if anyone wants to go through the same details... but
> anyway, I do wonder if something similar could be reproduced.

The above url says:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 asciicircum (code: BLACK)
! waiting for RP keycode 30 = Alt_L  asciicircum
keycode 30 = F6 asciicircum

But then you say:

> keycode 30 = 6 asciicircum

So, which is it?

You say it works in xev. What keysym does it say when you hit the key?

Let's see the rp command you're running that messes up. I'm not
parsing 6/^ and escape/^. I wanna see rp commands.

> Also note that the six key was working as usual in 1.3.0-RC1b.

When you say "as usual", do you mean you were able to use it as the
prefix key? And now you can't?


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