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Re: [RP] Re: new line of ASCII logos

From: Ryan Yeske
Subject: Re: [RP] Re: new line of ASCII logos
Date: Thu Mar 4 23:32:03 2004
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

address@hidden (Björn Lindström) writes:

> Ryan Yeske <address@hidden> writes:
> > What do you mean... this time?  The last time hasn't not happened yet,
> > its just that, well, uhh, I didnt get enough preorders.  Yeah.  But I
> > still have the logo in my screen.  Ready to go.
> Hm, could you rehash what the design/colours of those shirts would be?

The logo from the website.

The test shirts I did had the logo on the back.  If you put your hand
over your head down your back, about where your hand winds up.  But of
course, the print could go anywhere.

About shirts, we sorta talked about buying some bulk cotton white
tees, but then tossed around the idea of getting thrift shirts, trying
to do it super cheap style... turns out thats harder than it sounds.
Another idea was to have ppl send a shirt that they want it printed

What do you all think?


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