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Re: [RP] Answer to "** The Gimp is impossible to use under ratpoison!"

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] Answer to "** The Gimp is impossible to use under ratpoison!"
Date: Wed Oct 8 01:31:08 2003
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

twb <address@hidden> writes:

> Does ratpoison currently have a way to get commands from stdin?  Because then 
> you could just do
>   #!/usr/bin/ratpoison --stdin
>   <ratpoison commands>

No it doesn't. This would be useful. Although it's easy to write a
wrapper script. I've stuck this script in contrib/ in CVS:


$ratpoison = $ENV{RATPOISON} or die "Where is ratpoison?";

while (<>) {
    push @accum, "-c";
    push @accum, "\"$_\"";

system ("$ratpoison @accum");

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