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[RP] another fix

From: John Meacham
Subject: [RP] another fix
Date: Sun Jul 13 20:09:06 2003
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

This patch fixes the gvim resize bug (and perhaps some other apps where
redisplay doesn't work properly). Although I am not exactly sure
why gvim gets messed up in the first place. i believe it is a bug in
gvim, but am uncertain.

does anyone know whether the problem in xterm where it would not detect
it's window size properly was fixed in xfree86 recently? I don't have
the problem on my home machine (redhat 9), but i do on my work machine
(redhat 8).. Just curious. I will try to track down the problems with
the citrix client next..

Index: src/manage.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/ratpoison/ratpoison/src/manage.c,v
retrieving revision 1.78
diff -u -u -r1.78 manage.c
--- src/manage.c        25 May 2003 10:56:19 -0000      1.78
+++ src/manage.c        14 Jul 2003 03:01:26 -0000
@@ -697,13 +697,15 @@
   if (win->hints->flags & PResizeInc)
       XMoveResizeWindow (dpy, win->w, win->x, win->y,
-                        win->width + win->hints->width_inc, 
-                        win->height + win->hints->height_inc);
+                        win->width - win->hints->width_inc, 
+                        win->height - win->hints->height_inc);
-      XResizeWindow (dpy, win->w, win->width + 1, win->height + 1);
+      XResizeWindow (dpy, win->w, win->width - 1, win->height - 1);
+  XSync (dpy, False);
   /* Resize the window to its proper maximum size. */
   XMoveResizeWindow (dpy, win->w, win->x, win->y, win->width, win->height);

John Meacham - California Institute of Technology, Alum. - address@hidden

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