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Re: [RP] eclipse window error

From: Simon White
Subject: Re: [RP] eclipse window error
Date: Tue Nov 19 08:46:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

19-Nov-02 at 09:46, Dan Marcos (address@hidden) wrote :
> Hello,
>  I have an error running eclipse 2.0.2 Motif on Redhat 7.1
>  with ratpoison. The error was:
>  Bad Window: (invalid Window parameter)

I see this all the time with various apps (inc Open Office) - but it
isn't fatal, so I don't worry too much about it.

I put it down to ratpoison's minimalism

[Simon White. vim/mutt. address@hidden address@hidden no log script yet...]
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