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Re: [RP] Ratpoison compile failure

From: Simon White
Subject: Re: [RP] Ratpoison compile failure
Date: Tue Nov 12 07:59:03 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

12-Nov-02 at 16:19, Norbert Koch (address@hidden) wrote :
> "Ketykó István" <address@hidden> writes:
> Hi!
> [Please stay on-list]
> > I did it. But the ./configure halted and wrote that there is no
> > X-server. This is not valid because I have X. And it is working good.
> > I use Gnome....
> Normally, configure is good enough to extract the information from the
> system.  If not, you'll have to play with the options, --x-includes
> and --x-libraries in this case.
> But I'm not sure, whether this has been resolved already.

ratpoison is looking for X libraries, which may not be on your system,
even if X is running... what distribution / kernel / etc ?

[Simon White. vim/mutt. address@hidden GIMPS:% see www.mersenne.org]
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