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[Qemu-discuss] gentoo linux, vanilla 3.10.23, l ibvirt 1.1.4, libvirt-gl

From: Marko Weber | 8000
Subject: [Qemu-discuss] gentoo linux, vanilla 3.10.23, l ibvirt 1.1.4, libvirt-glibc 0.1.7 , qemu 1.6.0- r1 problem with cache =none
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 15:44:44 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube zbfmail Webmail/0.8.5

hello list,

on gentoo with the subject listed components, i cant start my virtual machines
when cache=none is set on disk settings

when i set cache=default, the machine starts.

the partition where the disk-images lies is mounted with xfs with these settings':


any ideas ?

any further information needed ?

virt-manager 0.10.0-r1  used here.


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