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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Bungee Takeoff failure

From: Erik Petersen
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Bungee Takeoff failure
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017 11:53:10 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.1.5

Sure! Thanks for your time.

Am 2017-01-18 11:49, schrieb Gautier Hattenberger:
These are the onboard logs, I can't extract them properly without your
conf file. Can you send me the ground station log instead (in var/logs
folder). Thanks

Le 18/01/2017 à 11:45, Erik Petersen a écrit :
Now we tried to launch without this block, but still the UAS went into kill mode directly after the Bungee routine. I attached to flight recorder files.

Am 2017-01-18 11:34, schrieb Gautier Hattenberger:
You shouldn't need this block. The throttle should be restart
automatically during the launch procedure. You should adjust your
parameters so that it doesn't happen too late or too early.

Le 18/01/2017 à 11:31, Erik Petersen a écrit :

we just tried the c-Code change, but still the UAS went into Kill-Mode.

Maybe this advice will help. Should I comment out the unlock throttle block:

<block name="Unlock_throttle">
      <set value="1" var="launch"/>
      <set value="0" var="kill_throttle"/>
      <set value="0" var="autopilot_flight_time"/>
      <deroute block="Bungee Start"/>

for this reason?


Am 2017-01-18 11:24, schrieb Gautier Hattenberger:
During the first part of the bungee take-off, the throttle is killed
on purpose. It will come back alive after crossing the "throttle"
line. So you should not un-kill your plane by hand in the flight plan
(nor set the launch variable to 1, this will be done automatically
later and can have side effect if done too early).

Do you have some flight logs of your tests, so we can see when it
starts to fail?

Your DISTANCE parameter seems to be set to 10 currently. So it means that the throttle will be turned on when the plane is 10 meters *after
the bungee attach point* defined by the bungee waypoint. I remember
from our test that it is a bit far and we had better results with -5
or -10 (so a few meters before the bungee point).


Le 18/01/2017 à 11:12, Erik Petersen a écrit :

first we tried to simply add a altitude to the bungee waypoint. This did not work, I don't really know if it should?

Furthermore now the UAV jumps into Kill-Mode after getting into the bungee block. But I did not update my flight plan.

Due to lack of time I propably cannot test the Bungee Routine with the changed c-Code which Felix Ruess provided this week.

Thanks for the help.

Best regards,

Am 2017-01-18 10:50, schrieb Gautier Hattenberger:
Hi Erik,

Could you try with the following fix:

Note that you'll probably have to update your flight plan for latest master changes and use 'call_once' for instruction that are actually
called only one time (see


Le 16/01/2017 à 00:15, Felix Ruess a écrit :
Hi Erik,

so if I understand you correctly, the bungee routine turns on the throttle as expected, right?

Does the aircraft ever gain significant height? How high did it go until you presumably took over or switched to another flight plan block manually? I see the altitude of your Bungee waypoint is 560m (50m above ground_alt).

Also in the bungee code there is a FIXME? It seems that it will currently only exit the bungee routine (and deroute) if you are 15m (BUNGEE_TAKEOFF_HEIGHT) above the Bungee waypoint altitude, so at 75m above ground_alt.
I presume you didn't let it get that far?

So to me it sounds like this should be fixed in the Bungee routine as mentioned in the FIXME by Gautier with the rewrite in @gautierhattenberger I think it should indeed add the BUNGEE_TAKEOFF_HEIGHT to the current aircraft altitude when the setup is run (and not ground_alt and neither the WP alt as it currently is).

Cheers, Felix

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 11:05 PM, Erik Petersen <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    Hi Felix,

    shure, sorry could have thought to mention the version. It's
    Paparazzi Version 5.11.

    A link to my airframe and flightplan is here:

    Thank you!

    Best regards,

    Am 2017-01-15 19:16, schrieb Felix Ruess:

        Hi Erik,

        can you please provide some more details?
What Paparazzi version are you using? Please post (a link to)
        your airframe
        config, flight plan, etc..

        Cheers, Felix

        On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 5:24 PM, Erik Petersen <
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

            Hi everyone!

I've got a problem with the Bungee Routine. All variables
            are set properly,
but my UAV does not deroute into the next block. it's just
            heading straight
            forward. The bungee routine itself works.
            can anyone help me find the mistake?

            Erik Petersen

            Erik Petersen
            Institut für Geographie
            Universität Augsburg
            Universitaetsstrasse 10
            D - 86135 Augsburg

            Telefon: +49 (0) 821 598-2765
            Email: address@hidden
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Description: Text document

#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h" #include "modules/digital_cam/dc.h"
#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h" #include "modules/digital_cam/dc.h"
#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h"
version encoded as: MAJOR * 10000 + MINOR * 100 + PATCH version description as string from paparazzi_version alive/heartbeat message containing the MD5sum of the aircraft configuration Answer to PING datalink message, to measure latencies Altitude above geoid (MSL) norm of 2d ground speed in cm/s Datalink status reported by an aircraft for the ground Waypoint with id wp_id has been updated/moved to the specified UTM coordinates. Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Wind information returned to the ground station. The wind is reported as a vector, it gives the direction the wind is blowing to. This can be used to acknowledge data comming from the ground wind estimator or from an embedded algorithm. Flags field definition: - bit 0: horizontal wind is valid (east and north fields) - bit 1: vertical wind is valid (up field) - bit 2: airspeed is valid bit 0: horizontal wind, bit 1: vertical wind: bit 2: airspeed east component of the wind north component of the wind vertical component of the wind local airspeed norm Gedetic latitude Longitude altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) Euler angle around x-axis (roll) Euler angle around y-axis (pitch) Euler angle around z-axis (yaw) Course over ground (CW/north) horizontal ground speed GPS time of week Rotorcraft rate control loop. rate setpoint rate setpoint rate setpoint integrated quaternion error integrated quaternion error integrated quaternion error feedback command on pitch (pprz scale) feedback command on roll (pprz scale) feedback command on yaw (pprz scale) thrust command altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid height above mean sea level (geoid) Airflow data returned by OTF and uADC 3D probes from Aeroprobe. static pressure differential pressure air temperature barometric pressure adjusted to sea level barometric altitude above mean sea level Equivalent Air Speed (or Calibrated Air Speed at low speed/altitude) True Air Speed (when P, T and P_diff are available) vertical velocity / height from optitrack (unit = 1/sec) vertical velocity / height from vision (unit = 1/sec) thrust / max thrust paparazzi (-) covariance of divergence and thrust, or past divergence depending on the mode (-) gain state in adaptive gain control: indicative of height (-) gain used for control, includes the effect of the p-gain of adaptive control (-) measurement from the sonar (mm) Electronic Speed Controller data Current consumption Input battery voltage Electrical power Motor rotation speed Motor voltage Accumulated consumed energy Motor ID RTOS monitoring Number of running threads Global CPU load Core free memory Heap free memory bits 31-21 course in decideg : bits 20-10 ground speed in cm/s : bits 9-0 climb speed in cm/s height above the ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) ground speed Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) Wind information. The wind is reported as a vector, it gives the direction the wind is blowing to. This can be comming from the ground wind estimator or from an embedded algorithm. Flags field definition: - bit 0: horizontal wind is valid (east and north fields) - bit 1: vertical wind is valid (up field) - bit 2: airspeed is valid bit 0: horizontal wind, bit 1: vertical wind: bit 2: airspeed east component of the wind north component of the wind vertical component of the wind local airspeed norm Height above ellipsoid ground speed altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) Set vehicle position or velocity in NED. Frame can be specified with the bits 0-3 Velocity of position setpoint can be specified with the bits 5-7 Flags field definition: - bit 0: x,y as offset coordinates - bit 1: x,y in body coordinates - bit 2: z as offset coordinates - bit 3: yaw as offset coordinates - bit 4: free - bit 5: x,y as vel - bit 6: z as vel - bit 7: yaw as rate bits 0-3: frame, bits 5-7: use as velocity X position/velocity in NED Y position/velocity in NED Z position/velocity in NED (negative altitude) yaw/rate setpoint bits 31-21 east position [cm] : bits 20-10 north position [cm] : bits 9-0 up position [cm] bits 31-21 east speed [cm/s] : bits 20-10 north speed [cm/s] : bits 9-0 climb speed [cm/s] Height above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) The aircraft in which video stream you clicked The x of the upper left corner of the selected area The y of the upper left corner of the selected area The width of the selected area The height of the selected area The width of the image you received. Added because a module the receives this message does not know how big the image was that was broadcasted Datalink status reported by Server for the GCS Combines DATLINK_REPORT (telemetry class) and LINK_REPORT (ground class) Report a telemetry error Encapsulated a telemetry class message (when using redundant link) Encapsulated a datalink class message (when using redundant link) Datalink status reported by Link for the Server altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid The SHAPE message used to draw shapes onto the Paparazzi GCS. Field name shape is used to define the type of shape i.e. Circle, Polygon, Line, or Text. This is indexed from 0-3 respectively. Each shape drawn must have an id number associated with it. This id number in conjuction with the shapetype will be needed to update or delete the shape. A circle can be defined with the same id as a polygon but since they have different shape types they are considered unique. linecolor and fillcolor take in a color string ie: "red", "blue" opacity will change the level of transparency of the fill. 0 - Transparent 1 - Light Fill 2 - Medium Fill 3 - Opaque Passing a status of 0 will create or update the shape specified by id and type. Passing a status of 1 will delete the shape specified by id and type. latarr is an array of coordinates that contain the latitude coordinate for each point in the shape. The array is comma separated. lonarr is similar to latarr but contain the longitude coordinate for each point in the shape. Circle and Text type will take the first coordinates given to place the shape. Polygon will take all the coordinates given. Line will take the first two coordinates given. Radius is only used for the circle. Text will always be populated with each message using the first set of coordinates. The text field can not be blank or have spaces. If text is not desired for a shape then pass "NULL" into the text field. RAW Magnetometer Data Static Barometric Pressure in Pascal Pressure Sensor Temperature Indicated Airspeed Sensor ID

Description: Text document

#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h" #include "modules/digital_cam/dc.h"
#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h" #include "modules/digital_cam/dc.h"
#include "subsystems/datalink/datalink.h"
version encoded as: MAJOR * 10000 + MINOR * 100 + PATCH version description as string from paparazzi_version alive/heartbeat message containing the MD5sum of the aircraft configuration Answer to PING datalink message, to measure latencies Altitude above geoid (MSL) norm of 2d ground speed in cm/s Datalink status reported by an aircraft for the ground Waypoint with id wp_id has been updated/moved to the specified UTM coordinates. Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Wind information returned to the ground station. The wind is reported as a vector, it gives the direction the wind is blowing to. This can be used to acknowledge data comming from the ground wind estimator or from an embedded algorithm. Flags field definition: - bit 0: horizontal wind is valid (east and north fields) - bit 1: vertical wind is valid (up field) - bit 2: airspeed is valid bit 0: horizontal wind, bit 1: vertical wind: bit 2: airspeed east component of the wind north component of the wind vertical component of the wind local airspeed norm Gedetic latitude Longitude altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) Euler angle around x-axis (roll) Euler angle around y-axis (pitch) Euler angle around z-axis (yaw) Course over ground (CW/north) horizontal ground speed GPS time of week Rotorcraft rate control loop. rate setpoint rate setpoint rate setpoint integrated quaternion error integrated quaternion error integrated quaternion error feedback command on pitch (pprz scale) feedback command on roll (pprz scale) feedback command on yaw (pprz scale) thrust command altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid height above mean sea level (geoid) Airflow data returned by OTF and uADC 3D probes from Aeroprobe. static pressure differential pressure air temperature barometric pressure adjusted to sea level barometric altitude above mean sea level Equivalent Air Speed (or Calibrated Air Speed at low speed/altitude) True Air Speed (when P, T and P_diff are available) vertical velocity / height from optitrack (unit = 1/sec) vertical velocity / height from vision (unit = 1/sec) thrust / max thrust paparazzi (-) covariance of divergence and thrust, or past divergence depending on the mode (-) gain state in adaptive gain control: indicative of height (-) gain used for control, includes the effect of the p-gain of adaptive control (-) measurement from the sonar (mm) Electronic Speed Controller data Current consumption Input battery voltage Electrical power Motor rotation speed Motor voltage Accumulated consumed energy Motor ID RTOS monitoring Number of running threads Global CPU load Core free memory Heap free memory bits 31-21 course in decideg : bits 20-10 ground speed in cm/s : bits 9-0 climb speed in cm/s height above the ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) ground speed Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) Wind information. The wind is reported as a vector, it gives the direction the wind is blowing to. This can be comming from the ground wind estimator or from an embedded algorithm. Flags field definition: - bit 0: horizontal wind is valid (east and north fields) - bit 1: vertical wind is valid (up field) - bit 2: airspeed is valid bit 0: horizontal wind, bit 1: vertical wind: bit 2: airspeed east component of the wind north component of the wind vertical component of the wind local airspeed norm Height above ellipsoid ground speed altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) altitude above geoid (MSL) Set vehicle position or velocity in NED. Frame can be specified with the bits 0-3 Velocity of position setpoint can be specified with the bits 5-7 Flags field definition: - bit 0: x,y as offset coordinates - bit 1: x,y in body coordinates - bit 2: z as offset coordinates - bit 3: yaw as offset coordinates - bit 4: free - bit 5: x,y as vel - bit 6: z as vel - bit 7: yaw as rate bits 0-3: frame, bits 5-7: use as velocity X position/velocity in NED Y position/velocity in NED Z position/velocity in NED (negative altitude) yaw/rate setpoint bits 31-21 east position [cm] : bits 20-10 north position [cm] : bits 9-0 up position [cm] bits 31-21 east speed [cm/s] : bits 20-10 north speed [cm/s] : bits 9-0 climb speed [cm/s] Height above WGS84 reference ellipsoid Height above Mean Sea Level (geoid) The aircraft in which video stream you clicked The x of the upper left corner of the selected area The y of the upper left corner of the selected area The width of the selected area The height of the selected area The width of the image you received. Added because a module the receives this message does not know how big the image was that was broadcasted Datalink status reported by Server for the GCS Combines DATLINK_REPORT (telemetry class) and LINK_REPORT (ground class) Report a telemetry error Encapsulated a telemetry class message (when using redundant link) Encapsulated a datalink class message (when using redundant link) Datalink status reported by Link for the Server altitude above WGS84 reference ellipsoid The SHAPE message used to draw shapes onto the Paparazzi GCS. Field name shape is used to define the type of shape i.e. Circle, Polygon, Line, or Text. This is indexed from 0-3 respectively. Each shape drawn must have an id number associated with it. This id number in conjuction with the shapetype will be needed to update or delete the shape. A circle can be defined with the same id as a polygon but since they have different shape types they are considered unique. linecolor and fillcolor take in a color string ie: "red", "blue" opacity will change the level of transparency of the fill. 0 - Transparent 1 - Light Fill 2 - Medium Fill 3 - Opaque Passing a status of 0 will create or update the shape specified by id and type. Passing a status of 1 will delete the shape specified by id and type. latarr is an array of coordinates that contain the latitude coordinate for each point in the shape. The array is comma separated. lonarr is similar to latarr but contain the longitude coordinate for each point in the shape. Circle and Text type will take the first coordinates given to place the shape. Polygon will take all the coordinates given. Line will take the first two coordinates given. Radius is only used for the circle. Text will always be populated with each message using the first set of coordinates. The text field can not be blank or have spaces. If text is not desired for a shape then pass "NULL" into the text field. RAW Magnetometer Data Static Barometric Pressure in Pascal Pressure Sensor Temperature Indicated Airspeed Sensor ID
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