Hi Kevin,
yes, In order to simulate an aircraft, you need a mathematical model for it.
JSBSim FDM back end of
NPS uses XML files to describe the aircraft (set via NPS_JSBSIM_MODEL).
So you need to create such a model (in conf/simulator/jsbsim/aircraft), refer to JSBSim docs on how to create JSBSim models.
add servo named BAR
<servo name="BAR" no="5" min="1000" neutral="1000" max="2000"/>
add command named FOO
<axis name="FOO" failsafe_value="0"/>
assign command FOO to servo BAR
<set servo="BAR" value="@FOO"/>
set command FOO to value of radio AUX3 channel
<set command="FOO" value="@AUX3"/>
Cheers, Felix