On 27 sept. 2015, at 10:54, Tom hardson <address@hidden> wrote:
I found that the warning about:"ld: warning: object file (ml_gtk_drag.o) was built for newer OSX version (10.10) than being linked (10.4)” is a bug of the newest Xcode(7.0).And I have fixed it with a downgrade of Xcode from v7.0 to v6.4.So,I wonder if the warning about"gcc: warning: couldn’t understand kern.osversion ’14.5.0" is also caused by an improper version of gcc compiler(gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_9-2015q3-20150921-mac)?And what's the version of your gcc for your paparazzi on mac?Thank you!
The fact is that ml_gtk (labelgtk2) depends on the libraries built beforehand. e.g:
$ otool -L /opt/local/lib/ocaml/site-lib/stublibs/dlllablgtk2.so
… tons of libs
$ otool -L /opt/local/lib/ocaml/site-lib/stublibs/dllivy-ocaml.so
/opt/local/lib/libivy.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1213.0.0)
if you move to a newer Xcode (command line tools),
$ gcc --version
Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
Apple LLVM version 7.0.0 (clang-700.0.72)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0
Thread model: posix
then you have to re-compile all dependents (by hand, homebrew, or macports)
With regards to gcc-arm-none-eabi, I think that the one that’s known to work with ppz is the one provided with ubuntu ( Macports provides arm-none-eabi-gcc @5.1.0 , I don’t know if it’s reliable.
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