Above flag is misplaced. I added it under target=rotorcraft instead of NPS. Now it is OK.
For people who want to try mission module in rotorcraft let me give a brief description (maybe this also sould be documented on wiki)
Building mission module for NPS
1. Add mission module to airframe file.
2. Add mission block to flight plan
name="mission" strip_button="Mission">
<call fun="mission_run()"/>
<deroute block="Standby"/>
3. Add mission flag on target=nps
name="USE_MISSION_COMMANDS_IN_NPS" value="1"/>
Testing module on NPS
1. Create an executable to send Ivy messages
-> just add c_ivy_client_example_3 to "all:" in "sw/ground_segment/tmtc/Makefile"
-> Add mission string under example hello message in c_ivy_client_example_3.c
Format: IvySendMsg("mission MISSION_GOTO_WP Aircraft_id Insert X Y Z T");
Example: IvySendMsg("mission MISSION_GOTO_WP 3 0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0");