Thanks a lot for your gelivable reply.
There are several new questions:
1. Is the sentence <configure name="ap.OOCD_BOARD" value="jlink"/> should be add in file **.xml? As there are some many .xml, I don't know which one is the one that I needed.
2. As you suggested, we have successfully uploaded the bootloader via some means. However, we meet new problem now
Look forward for your reply .
Sincere Lexy
At 2014-10-08 16:53:12, "Felix Ruess" <address@hidden> wrote:
you can of course always use your own tool to upload the final firmware hex/elf file from var/aircrafts/<name>/ap/ap.hex
If the Segger-JLINK works with OpenOCD you can probably just <configure name="ap.OOCD_BOARD" value="jlink"/> or something like that.
Cheers, Felix