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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] basic pprz issues

From: Simon Liebold
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] basic pprz issues
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 20:20:25 -0400
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Hi Bob,
Other configs feature no more IRs but a simple Sparkfun IMU named SEN-10121,
consisting of a combo of ITG3200 and ADXL345.

Dont know which one to choose for my first setup with a YAPA2...
In my case the IMU was already on board of the autopilot and everything worked right away(*). But if I would buy one I would just pick one that appears well documented (in the wiki & mailing list). If you plan to potentially use it for a multicopter as well I would pick one that also comes with a magnetometer. If an IMU has a (supported) driver, it should be possible to combine it with any autopilot. Don't worry if you don't find a config sample that doesn't feature your hardware. The sample configuration files are just that: Samples.

Maybe some of the others can give recommendations for IMUs?


* Well, that was a lie. The IMU worked, but the rest took me quite some time...

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