Hello All,
I have a similar issue, I also have an MPU-6050 board with lisa M 2.0. I am using V5.0 stable build.
First I tried the setup with Bixler.
I added
<subsystem name="imu" type="aspirin2_i2c">
<define name="MPU60X0_ADDR" value="MPU60X0_ADDR_ALT"/>
there was a minor error imu_aspirin2.c file #include was pointing to an non existing file, there was a typo.
#include "../../peripherals/mpu60X0.h" X is in upper case. I just copied and renamed the file and it started working.
I also modified imu_aspirin2_i2c.makefile (I could change the value any other way).
changed to I2C value to 1 to match my board setup.
ifeq ($(ARCH), stm32)
after these modification I stated getting data from the IMU. I did not make any further testing. I wanted to setup a Quad.