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[Paparazzi-devel] just a thought on trimming

From: chris
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] just a thought on trimming
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 11:33:39 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090608)

After i accumulated a lot of time with the Paparazzi autopilot an idea popped up in my mind. Is it possible to make an autotrim function where in manual flight we set the trims from the radio for level flight with the nominal throttle (say 40%) and then while making a high straight pass without any input from the sticks to press a button from the GCS and autotrim the plane?
Things like IR roll, IR pitch, servo centers etc. could be set in one pass.
Of course this should be done in a day without wind etc.
It sounds logical but there might be problems i am not aware off so any comment is welcomed.

About the survey function i did many simulations and yes the polygon coordinates do not adjust their altitude when the "NavSetGroundReferenceHere()" function is called. The ground altitude in the flight plan is set via the "ground_alt="246" but the plane starts to survey at the declared 100 meters. It does not matter whether i define a sector or not with the S1,S2,S3 and S4 waypoints.
Here are the waypoints:

<flight_plan alt="300" ground_alt="246" lat0="37.971632" lon0="23.591795" max_dist_from_home="300" name="Shisto_bomber_dc" qfu="110" security_height="50">
   <waypoint name="HOME" x="0" y="0"/>
   <waypoint name="AF" x="157.5" y="-73.4"/>
   <waypoint alt="0.0" name="TD" x="13.9" y="10.3"/>
   <waypoint name="AF_NORTH" x="-131.5" y="98.8"/>
   <waypoint name="BASELEG_NORTH" x="-128.5" y="45.0"/>
   <waypoint name="BASELEG" x="37.0" y="-78.9"/>
   <waypoint name="START" x="152.6" y="71.9"/>
   <waypoint name="RELEASE" x="51.3" y="22.3"/>
   <waypoint alt="0.0" name="TARGET" x="-11.5" y="-6.1"/>
   <waypoint name="CLIMB" x="-57.3" y="-24.9"/>
   <waypoint alt="100.0" name="S1" x="-54.0" y="-145.0"/>
   <waypoint alt="100.0" name="S2" x="-155.0" y="29.7"/>
   <waypoint alt="100.0" name="S3" x="18.5" y="120.0"/>
   <waypoint alt="100.0" name="S4" x="117.5" y="-53.7"/>
   <sector name="PolySector">
     <corner name="S1"/>
     <corner name="S2"/>
     <corner name="S3"/>
     <corner name="S4"/>

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