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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] calibrating IR sensors

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] calibrating IR sensors
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 09:14:24 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

address@hidden wrote:
Hello everyone, I just tried to calibrate the IR sensors and I am a little confused. More by trial and error I got IR1, IR2 and IR vertical to show 512 when encased in foam.
There is a confusion here:
- the readings should be around 0 during the cupboard test;
- then, the neutrals in the airframe file should be around 512


However, longitudinal shows 0 and lateral shows 1024. Is this OK or is there a sign to be changed somewhere? Initially, the readings were far away from 512 and I had to apply hefty corrections. This is how my IR section looks now:
  <section name="INFRARED" prefix="IR_">
    <define name="ADC_IR1_NEUTRAL" value="-474"/>
    <define name="ADC_IR2_NEUTRAL" value="-327"/>
    <define name="ADC_TOP_NEUTRAL" value="850"/>

    <define name="LATERAL_CORRECTION" value="1."/>
    <define name="LONGITUDINAL_CORRECTION" value="1."/>
    <define name="VERTICAL_CORRECTION" value="1.5"/>

    <define name="HORIZ_SENSOR_TILTED" value="1"/>
    <define name="IR2_SIGN" value="1"/>
    <define name="TOP_SIGN" value="-1"/>

    <define name="ROLL_NEUTRAL_DEFAULT" value="-3.6" unit="deg"/>
    <define name="PITCH_NEUTRAL_DEFAULT" value="6" unit="deg"/>

    <define name="CORRECTION_UP" value="1."/>
    <define name="CORRECTION_DOWN" value="1."/>
    <define name="CORRECTION_LEFT" value="1."/>
    <define name="CORRECTION_RIGHT" value="1."/>

Greetings, Martin PS: I got my Tiny back from repair, now the servos work (tried only one, so far).


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