On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 6:26 AM, Pascal Brisset
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Chris,
chris wrote:
The polygon waypoints don't get their altitude updated from the
<call fun="NavSetGroundReferenceHere()"/>
call like most of the waypoints and i think that other waypoints like the "TARGET" waypoint
don't either.
Which flight plan are you using ? The nav_update_waypoints_alt() function (in common_nav.c) called by NavSetGroundReferenceHere() is supposed to update
all the waypoints. Are you able to show the problem in simulation ?
I also managed to integrate a 10MP camera that is (almost) totally controlled from the autopilot
with functions for power on and off, repeated fixed number of shots and more by rewriting the "dc.h" and "dc.c" files.
I tested them and everything is working fine so if there is a way i would like to submit them for further examination and integration.
Rewriting dc.h or adding features in it ? Send me your files ... (dc.h, dc.c and the related settings/dc.xml)