Hi there
I have try the hard ware in the loop, it works (and I believe I chat with you on the IRC on Sunday).
I also found that, you must select the HIL in the A/C (in the paparazzi center), then change the aircraft file to your own one (ie from the example to your aircraft file), then upload it with ap. start the section of HIL, it should works. I work on my Tiny1.1 and Tiny 2.11.
If you still can't get it work, let me know, I can try with your file.
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 19:27:46 +0000
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] Hardware In The Loop
Hi all,
I'm trying Hardware In The Loop without success. I made what is described on wiki, but when I simulate I get no GPS and IR sensors data from simulation.
I'm using the FTDI cable. It's needed to modify the USB port baud rate to 57600? How can I do that in Ubuntu?
Best regards
Rui Costa