My sincerest apologies for time wasting re: video strip switch
information/help request.
I forgot to plug the video receiver into the laptop. Of course it
wouldn't work .It does now.
So I have one request only:as I noted in my previous post:
I reversed the funjet1.xml command section as follows to get the
surfaces moving in the right direction from the RC transmitter as
set out here:
<!-- commands section -->
<servo name="MOTOR" no="0" min="2000"
neutral="2000" max="1000"/>
<servo name="AILEVON_LEFT" no="2" min="1880" neutral="1500"
<servo name="AILEVON_RIGHT" no="6" min="1170" neutral="1515" max="1980"/>
Unfortunately the throttle strip setting always reads the reverse of
the RC transmitter throttle stick position and the actions of the
Motor off stick towards me -100% reading. and vice versa.
Can I change this?