On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Malte Fuchs
<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'm searching for a way to visualize some data I measured with the Tiny (e.g. temperature).
The intent is to able to display the temperature value according to the position, where
it was recorded. (with different colors for example)
I was able to export the flight path as .kml file and open it with google earth. That's really nice
and it looks like I imagened. But the problem is, that the measured data is missing.
Furthermore, I can export the measured values according to the position in CSV format and work
with them in Excel for example. But I couldn't find any possibility to visualize them.
Google Earth pro (I had a trial version of it) is able to open CSV format but the GPS data, delivered
by the plotter are not compatible (UTM vs degree).
So is there any possibility to get the measured values into Google Earth or any other useful program?
Or maybe you have another interesting way to work with or present your collected data.
Thanks and kind regards,
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