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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Voice Not Working in GCS w/ Hardy

From: Jan Nowack
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Voice Not Working in GCS w/ Hardy
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 13:52:33 +0200

i also have some problems with speech. I configured my files the following way:


# Global configuration for Speech Dispatcher
# ==========================================

# -----SYSTEM OPTIONS-----

# Port on which Speech Dispatcher should be available
# to clients.

#Port 6560
Port 1314

# By default, the specified port is opened only for connections
# comming from localhost. If LocalhostAccessOnly is set to 0 it
# disables this access controll. It means that the port will be
# accessible from all computers on the network. If you turn off this
# option, please make sure you set up some system rules on what
# computers are and are not allowed to access the Speech Dispatcher
# port.

# LocalhostAccessOnly 1


# LogLevel is a number between 0 and 5 that specifies
# how much of the logging information should be printed
# out on the screen or in the logfile (see LogFile)
# 0 means nothing, 5 means everything (not recommended).

LogLevel  3

# LogDir specifies where Speech Dispatcher writes its logging messages
# (status information, error messages, etc.).  Specify "stdout" for
# standard console output or a directory path. 'default' means that
# the logs are written to the default destination (e.g. a preconfigured
# system directory or the home directory if .speech-dispatcher is present)
# DO NOT COMMENT OUT THIS OPTION, SET IT TO "default" if you do not
# want to influence it.

#LogDir  "default"
#LogDir  "/var/log/speech-dispatcher/"
LogDir  "stdout"

# CustomLogFile allows logging all messages of the given kind,
# regardless their priority, to the given destination.

#CustomLogFile "protocol" "/var/log/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher-protocol.log"

# ----- VOICE PARAMETERS -----

# DefaultRate controls how fast the synthesizer is going to speak.  The value
# must be between -100 (slowest) and +100 (fastest), default is 0.

# DefaultRate  0

# DefaultPitch controls the pitch of the synthesized voice.  The value must be
# between -100 (lowest) and +100 (highest), default is 0.

# DefaultPitch  0

# DefaultVolume constrols the default volume of the voice.  It is a value
# between -100 (softly) and +100 (loudly).  Currently, +100 maps to the
# default volume of the synthesizer.

DefaultVolume 100

# DefaultVoiceType controls which voice type should be used by default.  Voice
# types are symbolic names which map to particular voices provided by the
# synthesizer according to the output module configuratuion.  Please see the
# synthesizer-specific configuration in etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/ to see which
# voices are assigned to different symbolic names.
# The following symbolic names are currently supported:

# DefaultVoiceType  "MALE1"

# Default language with which to speak
# DefaultLanguage  "en"


# DefaultClientName specifies the name of a client who didn't introduce
# himself at the beginning of an SSIP session.

# DefaultClientName  "unknown:unknown:unknown"

# Default Priority. Use with caution, normally this shouldn't
# be changed globally (at this place)

# DefaultPriority  "text"

# DefaultPauseContext specifies by how many index marks a speech cursor should
# return when resuming after a pause. This is roughly equivalent to the number
# of sentences before the place of the execution of pause that will be
# repeated.

# DefaultPauseContext 0


# DefaultPunctuationMode sets the way dots, comas, exclamation
# marks, question marks etc. are interpreted.
#   none: they are ignored
#   some: some of them are sent to synthesis (see DefaultPunctuationSome)
#   all:  all punctuation marks are sent to synthesis
# DefaultPunctuationMode  "none"

# DefaultCapLetRecognition: if set to "spell", capital letters
# should be spelled (e.g. "capital b"), if set to "icon",
# capital letters are indicated by inserting a special sound
# before them but they should be read normally, it set to "none"
# capital letters are not recognized (by default)

# DefaultCapLetRecognition  "none"

# DefaultSpelling: if set to On, all messages will be spelled unless set
# otherwise (this is usually not something you want to do.)

# DefaultSpelling  Off


# AddModule loads an output module.
#  Syntax: AddModule "name" "binary" "configuration" "logfile"
#  - name is the name under which you can acces this module
#  - binary is the path to the binary executable of this module,
#    either relative (to lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/) or absolute
#  - configuration is the path to the config file of this module,
#    either relative (to etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/) or absolute

#AddModule "espeak"       "sd_espeak"   "espeak.conf"
AddModule "festival"     "sd_festival"  "festival.conf"
#AddModule "flite"        "sd_flite"     "flite.conf"
#AddModule "espeak-generic" "sd_generic" "espeak-generic.conf"
#AddModule "epos-generic" "sd_generic"   "epos-generic.conf"
#AddModule "dtk-generic"  "sd_generic"   "dtk-generic.conf"
#AddModule "ibmtts"       "sd_ibmtts"    "ibmtts.conf"
#AddModule "cicero"        "sd_cicero"     "cicero.conf"

# The output module testing doesn't actually connect to anything. It
# outputs the requested commands to standard output and reads
# responses from stdandard input. This way, Speech Dispatcher's
# communication with output modules can be tested easily.

# AddModule "testing"

# DefaultModule selects which output module is the default.  You must
# use one of the names of the modules loaded with AddModule.

#DefaultModule espeak
DefaultModule festival

# LanguageDefaultModule selects which output modules are prefered
# for specified languages.

#LanguageDefaultModule "en"  "espeak"
LanguageDefaultModule "en" "festival"
#LanguageDefaultModule "cs"  "festival"
#LanguageDefaultModule "es"  "festival"


# Here you can include the files with client-specific configuration
# for different types of clients. They must contain one or more sections with
# this structure:
#     BeginClient "emacs:*"
#          DefaultPunctuationMode "some"
#          ...and/or some other settings
#     EndClient
# The parameter of BeginClient tells Speech Dispatcher to which clients
# it should apply this settings (it does glob-style matching, you can use
# * to match any number of characters and ? to match one character)

# There are some sample client settings

Include "clients/emacs.conf"
Include "clients/gnome-speech.conf"



# Address where the Festival server runs (you have to
# have a Festival server running, please see documentation).

FestivalServerHost  "localhost"
FestivalServerPort   1314
#FestivalServerPort   6560


# Chooses between three possible sound output systems:
#       "oss"   - Open Sound System
#       "alsa"  - Advanced Linux Sound System
#       "nas"   - Network Audio System
#       "pulse" - PulseAudio
# ALSA is default and recommended. The recent implementations
# support mixing of multiple streams. OSS is only provided
# for compatibility with architectures that do not include ALSA.
# NAS is an audio server with higher level of control over
# your audio stream, with the possibility to stream your audio
# over the network to a different computer and other advanced
# features. (The NAS backend is not very well tested however.)
# PulseAudio is a sound server for POSIX and WIN32 systems.

FestivalAudioOutputMethod "alsa"

# What OSS device to use when Open Sound System is
# chosen for the audio output.

#FestivalOSSDevice "/dev/dsp"

# What ALSA device to use when Advanced Linux Sound Architecture is
# chosen for the audio output.

#FestivalALSADevice "default"

# Route to the Network Audio System server when NAS
# was chosen for the audio output. Note that NAS
# server doesn't need to run on your machine,
# you can use it also over network (for instance
# when working on remote machines).

#FestivalNASServer "tcp/localhost:5450"

# -- PulseAudio parameters --

FestivalPulseServer "default"

# Maximum length of the buffer

FestivalPulseMaxLength 132300

# Target length of the buffer
# The server tries to assure that at least FestivalPulseTargetLength
# bytes are always available in the buffer

FestivalPulseTargetLength 4410

# Pre-buffering
# The server does not start with playback before at least
# FestivalPulsePrebuffering bytes are available in the buffer

FestivalPulsePreBuffering 2200

# Minimum request
# The server does not request less than FestivalPulseMinRequest bytes
# from the client, instead waits until the buffer is free enough to
# request more bytes at once

FestivalPulseMinRequest 880

# -- CACHING --

# Festival output module supports a caching mechanism for
# repeated events like characters, keys and sound icons
# that saves the wavefiles retrieved from the synthesizer
# and uses them next time an identical request is issued.
# This way, the synthesis is much more responsive when
# you type in keys, you spell some word by going over it
# with cursor keys, sound icons are faster and so on.
# If you wish to enable this caching mechanism, turn
# FestivalCacheOn to 1, or switch it off by 0.

# FestivalCacheOn 1

# How large should the memmory assigned to output module for
# cache should be. Festival will never overcome this limit.
# If there are more messages to save, the ones that are least
# accessed will be removed from the cache. So if you set this
# parameter too low, the module will often have to synthesize
# your request (which takes time) instead of just retrieving
# it from the cache, but you will save system resources. If you
# set it higher, it might make the module more responsive.
# The value is given in kilobytes, default is 10 megabytes.

# FestivalCacheMaxKBytes 10240

# Normally, the cache pool is common for all voices, rates and
# pitches. This means that when for example the key 'r' gets cached,
# you change the voice and request the key 'r' again, it will be
# retrieved from the cache and you will hear the old 'r' instead of a
# new one. By default, it only switches between languages.  In most
# cases, this isn't a problem for characters, keys and sound icons and
# it saves system resources. But if you want to keep separate caches
# for different voices (and even rates and pitches), please set the
# corresponding parameters to 1. (0 means don't distinguish).

# FestivalCacheDistinguishVoices 0
# FestivalCacheDistinguishRate 0
# FestivalCacheDistinguishPitch 0


# Switching FestivalReopenSocket to 1 will make the module close the
# connection to Festival each time the currently synthesized wavefile
# is no longer needed to finish and new text is waiting. This may improve
# Festival responsivity on slower machines, but might cause a more network
# trafic. Currently, the option is set to 0 by default, because there
# is a network problem in Festival socket communication layer that introduces
# unnecessary delays that affect the performance heavily in this mode.
# Unless your Festival is patched against this bug, switching this on
# is not recommended.

# FestivalReopenSocket 0

# -- DEBUGING --

# Debug turns debugging on or off
# See speechd.conf for information where debugging information is stored
Debug 0

# If FestivalDebugSaveOutput is set to 1, it writes the produced sound tracks
# to /tmp/debug-festival-*.snd before it says them. You can later browse them
# for debugging purposes. They are numbered in order starting from 0.

# FestivalDebugSaveOutput 0

I start the festival server, then sudo /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher restart, but i get the following error message:

 * Restarting Speech Dispatcher speech-dispatcher                               [Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 191641] speechd: ERROR: Openning debug file for festival failed: (error=-1) No such file or directory
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 191724] speechd:  Initializing output module festival with binary /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules//sd_festival and configuration /etc/speech-dispatcher//modules//festival.conf
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 191758] speechd:  Output module is logging to standard error output (stderr)
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 192748] speechd:  Module festival loaded.
client(8) Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : accepted from localhost
 Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 [448766] ALSA: Opening ALSA sound output
 Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 [448812] ALSA: Opening ALSA device
 Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 [455969] ALSA: Allocating new sw_params structure
 Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 [456001] ALSA: Opening ALSA device ... success
 Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 [456016] ALSA: Device 'default' initialized succesfully.
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456394] speechd: LINE here:|200-rab_diphone en BR|
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456412] speechd: LINE here:|200 OK VOICE LIST SENT|
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456436] speechd:  Module festival started sucessfully with message:
Communicating with Festival through a socket.

[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456627] speechd:   Reading configuration for pattern emacs:*
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456695] speechd:   Reading configuration for pattern *:gnomespeech:*
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456732] speechd:  Configuration has been read from "/etc/speech-dispatcher//speechd.conf"
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456750] speechd:   Speech Dispatcher started with 1 output module
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456781] speechd:   Openning socket connection
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456808] speechd: bind() failed: Address already in use
[Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : 456819] speechd: Fatal error [speechd.c:770]:Couldn't open socket, try a few minutes later.
address@hidden:/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules$  Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 [459265] ALSA: Closing ALSA device
 Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 [459478] ALSA: ALSA closed.
client(8) Wed Jul 16 13:49:50 2008 : disconnected

Does anyone know why i cont bind().



2008/5/24 Pascal Brisset <address@hidden>:

are you sure the server is running ? Try

sudo /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher restart

on my Hardy box, I have to edit the /etc/default/speech-dispatcher file and replace a "no" by a "yes", and then start the daemon


Daniel Morgan wrote:
When launching my link with the autopilot in get an error about the voice... Here is the message:
client: Speech Dispatcher failed to open: Connection refused
I am not sure why i am getting this.. I really could use some help on this since the voice is actually a big help when in the field


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