I didn't see this in my search for the mailing list. Kindly accept my
apologies if this is a repost of a known issue.
I noticed that make fails when the paparazzi3 directory has a parent
directory with spaces in the name:
For example:
/home/cory/test fail/paparazzi3
make says:
address@hidden:~/test fail/paparazzi3$ make
Makefile:104: warning: overriding commands for target `/home/cory/test'
Makefile:97: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/cory/test'
Makefile.ac:100: warning: ignoring old commands for target `/home/cory/test'
cd sw/lib/ocaml; make PAPARAZZI_SRC=/home/cory/test fail/paparazzi3
PAPARAZZI_HOME=/home/cory/test fail/paparazzi3
ocamldep *.ml* > .depend
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `fail/paparazzi3'. Stop.
make: *** [lib] Error 2
Hope this helps somebody.
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