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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Technical Paper from MAV08

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Technical Paper from MAV08
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:24:56 +0100
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20080305)


I hope we did not write that GE is connected to the Ivy bus :-)

To use this feature, the server has to be run with the -kml option; then some .kml files are created in the var/aircraft directory . The main one is FollowMe.kml which is only a link to the other files and directives for updating. This file is static. All the other files, except the fligh plan, are updated by the server and have to be served by an http server. So a http server has to be started (from the Tools menu, configuration in var/boa.conf)

Then from GE, open the FollowMe.kml file. Open the corresponding folder and double-click on the fligh-plan object. You should see the waypoints, the aircraft and the HOME safety circle. Some errors may occur because of the lack of syncronisation between files writing (from the server) and reading (from GE) but it is not critical.

Martin Mueller also wrote some code to display a Paparazzi aircraft in a google maps window (in a standard navigator)


PS: For MAV08, we finally used a sheet of paper to edit the obstacles, mines, ... :-)

Daniel Morgan wrote:
I was reading the Tech paper from MAV08 and noticed figured 14 which stated that google earth was connected to the ivy bus... Can you give me some more details on this? Is it in real time? How did you implement the ivy bus into google earth? Is this function in the source code? Any other information about this is greatly appreciated?

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