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[Paparazzi-devel] gps_nmea tested

From: Marcus Wolschon
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] gps_nmea tested
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:34:20 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

Hello everyone.

gps_nmea is now tested and it seems to work fine.
I used it with the nmea-log of a long autobahn-journey
in gpsd to test it. (You may need to remove a lot of
printf-statements to use it on an arm7. ;) )

I noticed a few things:

The "plane" is still stuck in "while !GpsFixValid()"
even as it has a good 3d-fix and GpsFixValid() returns

the GCS does not allow zooming out very far.
Should there ever be jets or other very fast
drones you can loose them within seconds.

In sw/lib/ocaml/  I had the change  x > 1e6 into x > 1e7

 fun { utm_zone = f; utm_x = x; utm_y = y } ->
   if x < 0. || x > 1e7 || y < -10e6 || y > 10e6 || f < 0 || f > 60 then
invalid_arg (Printf.sprintf "Latlong.of_utm x=%f (0..1e6) y=%f (-10e6..10e6) f=%i (0..60)" x y f);

..have fun!
 * Paparazzi mcu0 $Id: gps_ubx.c,v 1.22 2007/09/13 12:01:21 hecto Exp $
 * Copyright (C) 2003  Pascal Brisset, Antoine Drouin
 * This file is part of paparazzi.
 * paparazzi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * paparazzi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with paparazzi; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. 

 * file gps_nmea.c
 * brief Parser for the NMEA protocol

#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h> 
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "flight_plan.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "gps.h"
//include "gps_ubx.h"
#include "nav.h"
#include "latlong.h"

int32_t  gps_lat;  // latitude in degrees * 1e-7
int32_t  gps_lon;  // longitude in degrees * 1e-7
uint16_t gps_PDOP; //precision
bool_t   gps_pos_available = FALSE;

uint32_t gps_itow;
int32_t  gps_alt;
uint16_t gps_gspeed; // in cm/s
int16_t  gps_climb;
int16_t  gps_course;
int32_t  gps_utm_east, gps_utm_north;
uint8_t  gps_utm_zone;
uint8_t  gps_mode;

// true if parse_ubx() has a complete message and parse_gps_msg() shall parse it
volatile bool_t gps_msg_received = FALSE;

uint8_t  ubx_id, ubx_class; // unused
uint16_t gps_reset;         // unused

uint32_t gps_Pacc, gps_Sacc;
uint8_t gps_numSV;         // number of satelites in view

struct svinfo gps_svinfos[GPS_NB_CHANNELS];
uint8_t gps_nb_channels;
uint8_t gps_nb_ovrn;        // number if incomplete nmea-messages

//       uart-configuration

void gps_init( void ) {
  gps_status_config = GPS_CONFIG_INIT;

void ubxsend_cfg_rst(uint16_t bbr , uint8_t reset_mode) {

/* GPS dynamic configuration */

#include "uart.h"

void gps_configure_uart ( void ) {
  //UbxSend_CFG_PRT(0x01, 0x0, 0x0, 0x000008D0, GPS_BAUD, UBX_PROTO_MASK, 
UBX_PROTO_MASK, 0x0, 0x0);  
  //while (GpsUartRunning) ; /* FIXME */
  GpsUartInitParam( UART_BAUD(GPS_BAUD),  UART_8N1, UART_FIFO_8);

void gps_configure ( void ) {
#endif /* GPS_CONFIGURE */

//       nmea-parser

 * The buffer, we store one nmea-line in
 * for parsing.
#define NMEA_MAXLEN 255
char nmea_msg_buf[NMEA_MAXLEN];
int  nmea_msg_len = 0;

int GpsFixValid() {
   return gps_pos_available;

 * parse GPGSA-nmea-messages stored in
 * nmea_msg_buf .
void parse_nmea_GPGSA() {
      int i = 8;     // current position in the message
      char* endptr;  // end of parsed substrings

      // attempt to reject empty packets right away
      if(nmea_msg_buf[i]==',' && nmea_msg_buf[i+1]==',') {
            printf("parse_nmea_GPGSA() - skipping empty message\n");

      // get auto2D/3D
      // ignored
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: fix
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPGSA() - skipping incomplete message\n");

      // get 2D/3D-fix
      // set gps_mode=3=3d, 2=2d, 1=no fix or 0
      gps_mode = atoi(&nmea_msg_buf[i]);
      if (gps_mode == 1)
         gps_mode = 0;
      printf("parse_nmea_GPGSA() - gps_mode=%i (3=3D)\n", gps_mode);
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next 
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPGSA() - skipping incomplete message\n");

      int satcount = 0;

      // TODO: get sateline-numbers for gps_svinfos

 * parse GPRMC-nmea-messages stored in
 * nmea_msg_buf .
void parse_nmea_GPRMC() {
      int i = 8;     // current position in the message
      char* endptr;  // end of parsed substrings

      // attempt to reject empty packets right away
      if(nmea_msg_buf[i]==',' && nmea_msg_buf[i+1]==',') {
            printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping empty message\n");

      // get time
      // ignored
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: warning
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping incomplete message\n");

      // get warning
      // ignored
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: lat
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // get lat
      // ignored
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: N/S
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // get North/South
      // ignored
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: lon
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // get lon
      // ignored
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: E/W
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // get eath/west
      // ignored
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: speed
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // get speed
      double speed = strtod(&nmea_msg_buf[i], &endptr);
      gps_gspeed = speed * 1.852 * 100 / (60*60);
      printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - ground-speed=%f knot = %i cm/s\n", speed, 
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: speed
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPRMC() - skipping incomplete message\n");


 * parse GPGGA-nmea-messages stored in
 * nmea_msg_buf .
void parse_nmea_GPGGA() {
      int i = 8;     // current position in the message
      char* endptr;  // end of parsed substrings
      double degrees, minutesfrac;

      // attempt to reject empty packets right away
      if(nmea_msg_buf[i]==',' && nmea_msg_buf[i+1]==',') {
            printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - skipping empty message\n");

      // get UTC time [hhmmss.sss]
      // ignored GpsInfo.PosLLA.TimeOfFix.f = strtod(&packet[i], &endptr);
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: latitude
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - skipping incomplete message\n");

      // get latitude [ddmm.mmmmm]
      double lat = strtod(&nmea_msg_buf[i], &endptr);
      // convert to pure degrees [dd.dddd] format
      minutesfrac = modf(lat/100, &degrees);
      lat = degrees + (minutesfrac*100)/60;
      // convert to radians
      // *= (M_PI/180);
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: N/S 
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // correct latitute for N/S
      if(nmea_msg_buf[i] == 'S')
         lat = -lat;
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: longitude
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)

      gps_lat = lat * 1e7; // convert to fixed-point
      printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - lat=%f gps_lat=%i\n", lat, gps_lat);
      // get longitude [ddmm.mmmmm]
      double lon = strtod(&nmea_msg_buf[i], &endptr);
      // convert to pure degrees [dd.dddd] format
      minutesfrac = modf(lon/100, &degrees);
      lon = degrees + (minutesfrac*100)/60;
      // convert to radians
      //GpsInfo.PosLLA.lon.f *= (M_PI/180);
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: E/W 
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)
      // correct latitute for E/W
      if(nmea_msg_buf[i] == 'W')
         lon = -lon;
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: position 
fix status
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)
      gps_lon = lon * 1e7; // convert to fixed-point
      printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - lon=%f gps_lon=%i\n", lon, gps_lon);

      latlong_utm_of(RadOfDeg(lat), RadOfDeg(lon), nav_utm_zone0);

      gps_utm_east = latlong_utm_x * 100;
      gps_utm_north = latlong_utm_y * 100;
      gps_utm_zone = nav_utm_zone0;

      // position fix status
      // 0 = Invalid, 1 = Valid SPS, 2 = Valid DGPS, 3 = Valid PPS
      // check for good position fix
      if( (nmea_msg_buf[i] != '0') && (nmea_msg_buf[i] != ',') )  {
        gps_pos_available = TRUE;
        printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - gps_pos_available == true\n");
      } else {
        gps_pos_available = FALSE;
        printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - gps_pos_available == false\n");
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: satellites 
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // get number of satellites used in GPS solution
      gps_numSV = atoi(&nmea_msg_buf[i]);
      printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - gps_numSatlitesUsed=%i\n", gps_numSV);
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: HDOP 
(horizontal dilution of precision)
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: altitude
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len) {
           printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - skipping incomplete message\n");
      // get altitude (in meters)
      double alt = strtod(&nmea_msg_buf[i], &endptr);
      gps_alt = alt * 10;
      printf("parse_nmea_GPGGA() - gps_alt=%i\n", gps_alt);
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: altitude 
units, always 'M'
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: geoid 
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: seperation 
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: DGPS age
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)
      while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != ',') {              // next field: DGPS 
station ID
         if (i >= nmea_msg_len)
      //while(nmea_msg_buf[i++] != '*');              // next field: checksum

 * parse_ubx() has a complete line.
 * Find out what type of message it is and
 * hand it to the parser for that type.
void parse_gps_msg( void ) {

      if(nmea_msg_len > 7 && !strncmp(nmea_msg_buf + 1 , "$GPRMC", 6)) {
         nmea_msg_buf[nmea_msg_len] = 0;
         printf("parse_gps_msg() - parsing RMC gps-message 
      } else
      if(nmea_msg_len > 7 && !strncmp(nmea_msg_buf + 1 , "$GPGGA", 6)) {
         nmea_msg_buf[nmea_msg_len] = 0;
         printf("parse_gps_msg() - parsing GGA gps-message 
      } else
      if(nmea_msg_len > 7 && !strncmp(nmea_msg_buf + 1 , "$GPGSA", 6)) {
         nmea_msg_buf[nmea_msg_len] = 0;
         printf("parse_gps_msg() - parsing GSA gps-message 
      } else {
         nmea_msg_buf[nmea_msg_len] = 0;
         printf("parse_gps_msg() - ignoring unknown gps-message \"%s\" 
len=%i\n",nmea_msg_buf, nmea_msg_len);

      // reset message-buffer
      nmea_msg_len = 0;

 * This is the actual parser.
 * It is a state-machine that gets one character at a time.
void parse_ubx( uint8_t c ) {

  //reject empty lines
  if (nmea_msg_len == 0) {
     if (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '$')

  // fill the buffer, unless it's full
  if (nmea_msg_len < NMEA_MAXLEN - 1) {

      // messages end with a linefeed
      if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') {
        gps_msg_received = TRUE;
      } else {
        nmea_msg_buf[nmea_msg_len] = c;
        nmea_msg_len ++;

  if (nmea_msg_len >= NMEA_MAXLEN - 1)
     gps_msg_received = TRUE;

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