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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Tiny 2 and IR, gyro settings

From: Pascal Brisset
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Tiny 2 and IR, gyro settings
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 21:16:30 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071022)

Information about the infrared configuration has recently been updated in the wiki:

You should find there some answers to your questions.

Your next step probably is to set the telemetry. You can use a cable (USB/serial 3.3V converter) to start.


Uttam Chandrashekhar wrote:

Hi guys,

I got the IR boards working, I replaced the low drift opamps in a static free environment ( Wrist strap and mat )! On the XY board, neutrals across the 2 axis vary a bit, one says 1.9 V and the other says 2.1V. Is this OK? I have some questions regarding the IR sensors and Gyro sensor settings in the funjet1.xml file. Since this will be installed in a different plane, I'll have to tweak the settings.

 <section name="INFRARED" prefix="IR_">
    <define name="ADC_IR1_NEUTRAL" value="512"/>
    <define name="ADC_IR2_NEUTRAL" value="512"/>
    <define name="ADC_TOP_NEUTRAL" value="512"/>

    <define name="LATERAL_CORRECTION" value="1."/>
<define name="LONGITUDINAL_CORRECTION" value="1."/>
    <define name="VERTICAL_CORRECTION" value="1.5"/>

    <define name="HORIZ_SENSOR_TILTED" value="1"/>
    <define name="IR2_SIGN" value="-1"/>
    <define name="TOP_SIGN" value="-1"/>

    <define name="ROLL_NEUTRAL_DEFAULT" value="-2.5" unit="deg"/>
    <define name="PITCH_NEUTRAL_DEFAULT" value="6" unit="deg"/>

    <define name="CORRECTION_UP" value="1."/>
    <define name="CORRECTION_DOWN" value="1."/>
    <define name="CORRECTION_LEFT"
    <define name="CORRECTION_RIGHT" value="1."/>

In the above bit of code, what does the Neutral value of "512" signify? Why is it 512?

What do the correction values mean? What does the IRx_SIGN signify? What do the other variables mean ( roll and pitch neutral def, and the up down left right corrections )?

Since the IR sensors are working OK, what would be by next step? Can I go ahead and plug it into the Tiny and flash the APcode ( I replaced the ap code with the tunnel for GPS prog )?

-Thanks, you guys are the BEST!

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