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[Paparazzi-devel] Help for compiling the ground segment

From: Martial Chateauvieux
Subject: [Paparazzi-devel] Help for compiling the ground segment
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 21:53:12 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1

        Hy guys,

        After a while I finally decided to move my laptop to a debian 
installation. I 
think I've got most of it working now. But I still have a couple of problems.

        1. The dia packages is not required in the paparazzi package, can you 
that ?
        2. The latex package is also missing. I installed the latex package, 
but I 
still get an error message "a4wide.sty missing" when compiling the doc. Did I 
miss something ?

        3. After setting PAPARAZZI_HOME and PERL5LIB (PERL5LIB is not mentioned 
the doc) I ran 
        % make cockpit
        % ./sw/ground_segment/cockpit/
        Gives the error "Can't locate Paparazzi/"
        It's really not there (I downloaded the nightly tarball)

        Where do I find that.

As a start I'd like to send my messages to the ground station. This should be 
for me the minimal effort to start with the paparazzi system. But I need to 
get it working. Can you help ?


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