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Re: [Nss-mysql-users] General nss-mysql questions...

From: Guillaume Morin
Subject: Re: [Nss-mysql-users] General nss-mysql questions...
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 09:21:23 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Dans un message du 16 mai à  3:40, Michael Chang écrivait :
> ------------------
> [... snip...]
> _nss_mysql_copy_to_buffer: called for users to 0x8050028(1024)
> _nss_mysql_copy_to_buffer: called for x to 0x805002e(1018)
> _nss_mysql_group_result_to_struct: users's gid is 200
> nss_mysql_group_to_struct: addr 0x8050030, data 0x8050030
> _nss_mysql_copy_to_buffer: called for miranda to 0x805041f
> miranda is a member of users(200)
> _nss_mysql_group_result_to_struct: success, exiting
> group.c: handle_query(): reached "out" label, result 0x8054db0
> group.c: leaving handle_query with status 1 (errno No such file or directory)
> ------------------

Ok, actually that is just a errno bug. errno should be 0. The fix has
been for quite a long time in the CVS. I just forgot about it.
> I suppose.  I mean, it's working fine the way it is; I just thought
> I'd pass my observation along to see if you knew about it or if you
> thought it might have implications of a greater or more significant scope.

Yes, indeed this bug has no consequences.


Guillaume Morin <address@hidden>

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