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Re: [Nss-mysql-users] General nss-mysql questions...

From: Michael Chang
Subject: Re: [Nss-mysql-users] General nss-mysql questions...
Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 03:40:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 14 May 2003, Guillaume Morin wrote:

|> Dans un message du 13 mai à 18:20, Michael Chang écrivait :
|> > The only remaining question I have is this: why is handle_query() in
|> > group.c returning ENOENT?  I see this in my debug log output. It's not
|> > using any files, so either it's returning ENOENT for backwards
|> > compatibility with the 'files' NSS service or... I don't know.
|> This is an erro condition documented by the NSS API, ut anyway it should
|> not happen. Hmm, do you use nscd ?

No, nscd was not running.  In fact, I've never used it.
My log output showed that all queries were successful, and nss-mysql was
able to retrieve everything that it needed from the database.
However, I take it back.  It's not that ENOENT was being _returned_ from
handle_query().  Rather, *errnop was being set to ENOENT.

[... snip...]
_nss_mysql_copy_to_buffer: called for users to 0x8050028(1024)
_nss_mysql_copy_to_buffer: called for x to 0x805002e(1018)
_nss_mysql_group_result_to_struct: users's gid is 200
nss_mysql_group_to_struct: addr 0x8050030, data 0x8050030
_nss_mysql_copy_to_buffer: called for miranda to 0x805041f
miranda is a member of users(200)
_nss_mysql_group_result_to_struct: success, exiting
group.c: handle_query(): reached "out" label, result 0x8054db0
group.c: leaving handle_query with status 1 (errno No such file or directory)

|> Could you give a shot to the CVS
|> version ? It is really the best version available but I have'nt found
|> the time to do a release yet.

I suppose.  I mean, it's working fine the way it is; I just thought
I'd pass my observation along to see if you knew about it or if you
thought it might have implications of a greater or more significant scope.


* "Afraid of change, afraid of staying the same,
*  when temptation calls, we just look away."
*  - Barenaked Ladies
* "He started writing in mirror writing, 'Help! I'm
*  trapped behind the world.'"
*  - New York State Journal of Medicine
* Michael Chang
* address@hidden
* http://www.syndetic.org/

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