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Re: [myexperiment-hackers] FogBugz (Case 986) Inbox - myExperiment feedb

From: David R Newman
Subject: Re: [myexperiment-hackers] FogBugz (Case 986) Inbox - myExperiment feedback from Jerzyo (address@hidden)
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 11:56:36 +0000

To Jerzy Orlowski,

You can get at all the components for WorkflowVersion 8 with the URL This is due to how the RDF data is generated. Most of the RDF is generated from database calls but getting the components requires a web service that returns all the components. I have been mulling over a way to allow the URIs to resolve to the RDF data for each component individually and now believe I have a solution.

In answer to your other questions:

The best way to get all workflows of a particular variety is to use the SPARQL endpoint ( and do the following query:

PREFIX dcterms: <>
select distinct ?workflow ?thetype where {?workflow dcterms:type ?thetype . FILTER (REGEX(?thetype,'workflow_type'))}

Replacing workflow_type with application/vnd.taverna.scufl\\\+xml for Taverna 1 workflows and taverna2beta for Taverna 2 workflows.

You cannot currently get download (or viewing) statistics. I have been thinking of exposing these figures but we have been in the process of the rationalizing them so they do not include hits from bots and spiders. I think this rationalization process has occurred so I will add these to the RDF. Workflows have a dcterms:created property, this is when the first version of the workflow was uploaded. To find the the upload date of the current version of the workflow you need to look at the dcterms:created date for that WorkflowVersion.


David Newman

--On Thursday, March 05, 2009 10:12:02 +0000 address@hidden wrote:

A new case was assigned to you in FogBugz.

From:         address@hidden
Case ID:      986
Title:        myExperiment feedback from Jerzyo (address@hidden)
Project:      Inbox
Area:         Undecided
Priority:     3 - Very Important
Release:      Current


A mail notification has been received from:
Email Subject: myExperiment feedback from Jerzyo (address@hidden)

myExperiment feedback from: Jerzyo (address@hidden)

Subject: RDF

Is it possible to get access to Workflow components by RDF
For example, when I try to look ...

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