I ask similar question two months ago, but, I'm still without an answer....
please help....
I have a list of modules (it may be changed according to the application I
Each module has its own makefile that resides in the module's directory.
I would like to execute all the relevant makefiles.
The major obstacle is that I must use make v3.78.1 @ win32 (windows)
The classic solution (for U*X systems) should be something like:
clean_all: $(MODULES)
$(foreach MOD,$(MODULES),make -C $(MOD) clean;)
The problem is that for win32 systems, semicolon is invalid character (maybe it should
be replaced with &&, but this is illegal from the make parser side)
Removing the semicolon cause error after the first loop -
[...cleaning process for first interaction...]
*** No rule to make target 'make'. Stop.
Any idea how to solve this?
I'm novice to "make", so please do not use insider terminology.... :)
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