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RE: Problems with latest Cygwin make patch; builds OK but binary segfaul

From: William Sheehan
Subject: RE: Problems with latest Cygwin make patch; builds OK but binary segfaults
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:52:00 -0700

> Please rune "make check" on the version of Make you think 
> fixes the problem.  If all the tests pass, please post here a 
> patch that you used to fix the recursion problem.  Thanks.

Done; the patch is attached.  Running make check came back with zero
failures and a nice smiley face.  The patch has the same content as Bill
Hoffman's patch, plus my modifications for job.c.

> No, it wasn't a version issue: your Patch command lacks the 
> -p0 switch, which I think is the cause of your trouble.

Thank you!  Adding -p0 did indeed allow for a single patch file.

William Sheehan
Builds Engineer / Network Administrator
Open Interface North America

Attachment: cygwin-make.patch
Description: Binary data

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