At 09:10 AM 8/22/2006, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
>>But if you can not run mingw make from an msys shell then what is the point of
>>looking for sh.exe in the PATH and setting it to be the shell, if it is not
>There is a version of 'make' that is part of the MSYS distribution
>that is separate from the MinGW 'make' (that's the reason the MinGW
>make is actually called mingw32-make). Earnie could probably provide
>the details as to what the differences are between the two.
Sure, I know there are two of them. But the mingw32-make will use sh.exe
if it finds one, and it seems to be having some process argument issues.
>>One more thing, do you think this discussion would be better on the mingw or
>>msys mailing list?
>For the MSYS specific stuff, I think directing it to the the MSYS list
>would be an idea.
So, is the mingw32-make not working with sh.exe from MSYS, MSYS specific?
Or should that not work, or should that be on the mingw list?