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Re: Facing problem with GNU Make and Cygwin

From: Earnie Boyd
Subject: Re: Facing problem with GNU Make and Cygwin
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 06:50:30 -0400
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Since the version of make that is distributed by Cygwin is modified for Cygwin's purposes, you should as the address@hidden list.


Vashist, Kamal wrote:


I am using 3.80 version of Make.exe that comes with the latest download of
Cygwin (1.5.9-1)

My program is using the date-time-stamp comparison feature of make to load
some files in the database.

My make file has many statements like the one below in a loop.

$(shell cscript /nologo SampleJavaScipt.js SampleXML.xml)

I have a running version of my application which uses 3.80 version of Make.exe
and 1.3.22 version of Cygwin.dll and works fine.
But when I use the latest installation  "3.80 version of Make.exe" and latest
download of Cygwin (1.5.9-1) my program fails.

The anomalous behavior I suspect is that whenever there is a call to "shell"
as in the above statement, another instance of Make.xe is launched, which is
causing the crash of make.exe to stop at some point. But in the working
version of my program it running only one instance of make.exe

Please suggest what settings I need to do so that it does not launch a
separate instance of Make.exe.

Thanks for anticipated cooperation.

Kamal Vashist

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