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Filenames with embedded spaces [Was: Query regarding make error]

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Filenames with embedded spaces [Was: Query regarding make error]
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 21:09:48 -0500

"J. Grant" wrote:
> I noticed that paths with escaped spaces work with windows32 make build,
> e.g.:
> d:/test\ path
> I have an idea for an extra patch, if there is a path such as:
> "d:/test path"
> in a makefile it might be possible to treat the quotes as indicating
> that the text is part of a single path.  Then the spaces in the path
> could be upgraded to escaped spaces.  Meaning the resulting path would be:
> "d:/test\ path"
> Which would solve the spaces in path problem.  Although, perhaps this
> breaks compatibility? Any thoughts/corrections?

Do paths with escaped spaces always work as you want?

[makefile begins]
files = My\ Documents My\ Computer/Control\ Panel

.PHONY: all
all: $(files)

        @echo testing '$@'
        @echo '  dir:           $(dir $@)'
        @echo '  notdir:        $(notdir $@)'
        @echo '  prefix&suffix: $(addsuffix -omega,$(addprefix alpha-,$@))'
[makefile ends]

I get output like

testing My Documents
  dir:           ./ ./
  notdir:        My Documents
  prefix&suffix: alpha-My-omega alpha-Documents-omega
testing My Computer/Control Panel
  dir:           ./ Computer/ ./
  notdir:        My Control Panel
  prefix&suffix: alpha-My-omega alpha-Computer/Control-omega alpha-Panel-omega

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