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Re: help on gnumake - process_begin: error

From: Rob Tulloh
Subject: Re: help on gnumake - process_begin: error
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 08:37:10 -0800 (PST)


If I remember, 234 is ERROR_MORE_DATA. I forget why CreateProcess() can throw this particular error. Maybe Y: is some remote filesystem and there is a permissions problem or something? Sorry I cannot be of more help than this. Maybe try moving your project to a local drive (C:) and see if the problem reproduces there?


 address@hidden wrote:

HI All,
I'm using gnumake under windows2000, and using 4NT, and encounter the following errors:

process_begin: CreateProcess(Y:\BIN\gnumake.exe, gnumake -C Y:/project/project -f project.mak, ...) failed.
make (e=234)

Does anyone have the same problem?
How to fix this issue?


Rob Tulloh

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