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Re: [Lynx-dev] lynx and webmail interfaces?

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] lynx and webmail interfaces?
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 15:02:22 -0500 (EST)

my current access to both pine and alpine are tied to shellworld entirely, or via the dreamhost shell service provided to my office.
There is indeed a pine for DOS.
The question seems to be if it can be configured to access gmail, including passing any security related factors? My absolute goal is full access to my gmail inbox, if I must use another provider, I must be able to input those contents for personal, legal, and professional reasons. if alpine can do this, can not some of the associated tools be incorporated into pine?
Where would I find the answers to this

On Tue, 21 Nov 2023, Thorsten Glaser wrote:

Karen Lewellen dixit:

There is a thread over at DOS ain't dead about providers who  still have web
interfaces, using roundcube or squirrel mail, someone even spoke of fastmail.
Anyone know of  either an email service that incorporates these lower graphics

Is using pine a possibility? (I think there was a DOS port of that.)
That sounds much less overhead and much more reliability than a web
interface, and in addition, your interface to the mail system will
continue to just be the same pine you’re using (or with minimal changes
over years in the case of alpine).

If you have access to a pine/alpine at your shellserver and find it
usable for yourself, you can set it up to access multiple eMail
providers (as long as they support IMAP) as well.

lynx-usable webmail is so niche that I wouldn’t invest too much
effort into finding anything there (plus even things that are lynx-
accessible now need not continue to do so, I suffered from a bank
stopping that for online banking).

Good luck,
Wish I had pine to hand :-( I'll give lynx a try, thanks.

Michael Schmitz on nntp://
a.k.a. {}#news.gmane.linux.debian.ports.68k in pine

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