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Re: [Lynx-dev] a twitter user? is a posible solution, is help with

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] a twitter user? is a posible solution, is help with
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2021 21:29:43 -0500 (EST)

Its not the browser, it is the scripting.
In some, even many cases when heavy scripting is used elements flash or shift.
Which can be triggering for some experiencing these conditions.
Best progressive design practice is to build up. Leaving html in place for lower graphics users, incorporating cascading style sheets, and still have the flashing heavy graphics and clutter for those who like it like that.

On Mon, 8 Feb 2021, Mouse wrote:

[...] that individuals who experience Cesar disorders like epilepsy,
cannot use JavaScript either.
I cannot see anything about epilepsy that would have any bearing on
whether you can use a JavaScript-capable browser.  Obviously, I'm
missing something - not surprising, since I am not epileptic (well, not
as far as I know, at least).  Might you be willing to explain?

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