Hi Lynx:
I go to http://www.jim.spath.com/lynx_win32/
<http://www.jim.spath.com/lynx_win32/> and download ly283rel.zip to my
windows 2000 notebook and follow instruction to configure it. I can create
shortcut for lynx.exe but I can not do the following:
Once you have a shortcut to a batch file that runs lynx.exe, you
can then modify the properties of that shortcut to allow pasting by
going to Misc->Other->Fast (Win98: Properties->Misc->FastPasting)
pasting and turning it off.
and I can not run lynx and it can not connect to lynx.browser.org and any
other site. Can you help me to make it work ? Thanks.
Can this version of lynx run on windows 2000 professional ? Thanks.