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[lwip-devel] [task #13508] Implement IPv4 Address Conflict Detection

From: Jasper Verschueren
Subject: [lwip-devel] [task #13508] Implement IPv4 Address Conflict Detection
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2018 10:46:28 -0400 (EDT)
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Follow-up Comment #6, task #13508 (project lwip):

Thanks for the feedback. I solved the first 3 comments, you can find the
patches attached.

As for the 4th issue I do not agree. We would contaminate the caches of other
hosts in the network when we defend the LL address while we obtained a
routable address. I believe this was a bug in the previous version of autoip.
My opinion is of course not that important. But it is stated in the RFC 3927
about link local addresses. See section 1.9 page 9 point 2. 

>If a host finds that an interface that was previously        configured with
an IPv4 Link-Local address now has an operable          routable address
available, the host MUST use the routable          address when initiating new
communications, and MUST cease          advertising the availability of the
IPv4 Link-Local address          through whatever mechanisms that address had
been made known to          others.  The host SHOULD continue to use the IPv4
Link-Local          address for communications already underway, and MAY
continue          to accept new communications addressed to the IPv4
Link-Local          address.

So since defending the address is advertising it, we do not need the ACD
module running on more then one address. 

I will start implementing the ACD module in dhcp this week. 

(file #44875, file #44876)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: 0033-Issue-1-from-Comment-5-task-13508-solved.patch Size:1 KB
File name: 0034-Issue-2-3-from-Comment-5-task-13508-solved.patch Size:5 KB


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