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Re: [lwip-devel] [patch #8955] Basic SNMPv3 and USM support

From: Dirk Ziegelmeier
Subject: Re: [lwip-devel] [patch #8955] Basic SNMPv3 and USM support
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 15:13:39 +0100

Thanks Elias!!!

I'll have a look at it, but it may take some time because I also want my colleague who (re-)wrote much of the agent (Martin Hentschel) have a look at it.

​Can you describe some more what you implemented and what you are planning to implement in the future? e.g. what is the security model? Do you implement an all-or-nothing model (write allowed in general when user is athenticated) or do you want something more fine-grained?​ (All-or-nothing may be a good compromise for a light-weight IP stack IMHO)

Another important question: Are you willing to maintain the v3 part in lwIP in case of bug reports and patches? You do not have to implement feature requests, but bugs and patches should be fixed/reviewed by you.

​ (and Simon)​

Dirk Ziegelmeier * address@hidden * http://www.ziegelmeier.net

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