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[lwip-devel] read the arp table

From: Piero 74
Subject: [lwip-devel] read the arp table
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:54:50 +0100

Hi all

i want to read all the ip in current arp table (even if it is expiered).

i saw that i have this declaration in etharp.c:

static struct etharp_entry arp_table[ARP_TABLE_SIZE];

so, i can't access to this variable in another application file.
what can i do?

1. remove static and use extern
2. add a function in etharp.c, that give back a pointer to arp_table.
3. other????

I have to do this idea, to force to have always some packets to my lwip board:

when i don't receive packet for a lot of time, just to be sure that there isn't a trouble in low level HW in the board, or in a switch connected to the board:
1. use a tcpip_callback, to do a thread safe call to my function
2. this function will do an arp request for the IP of gateway if it's a avoid ip (different than
3. and will do an arp request for each old ip found in arp_table, which means, try to check if some host connected to me in the past are online now
4. i should receive some arp answer back, so i will be sure that i can communicate trough the lac connection


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